Shelby is 52 years old, married to Angie for over 20 years and has four children, Logan, Mary, Micah and Chloe. He and his family moved to Middle Tennessee in March of 2019 because he was called to be the Pastor of Parkway Baptist Church, Smyrna, TN, the host church for PLA.
He was adopted at birth from Baton Rouge, LA, and lived most of his life in Greenville, MS, in the heart of the MS Delta. He attended Washington School in his hometown, then, graduated with a BBA and MBA in Business from Delta State University and spent 20 years in the business world. Later, he realized a full time call to Christian Ministry and attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and obtained an MDIV in 2008 and a Doctoral Degree in 2016.The Hazzards have homeschooled their children all their lives and are excited about being in PLA. They hosted a Classical Conversations Community at their last church for seven years, so they are very familiar with the homeschool community environment. Shelby spends most of his between the church office and being at home with his family. His family and church consumes most of his time, but when he can, he loves to tinker with cars and restore classic jeeps. He looks forward to being a Spanish Tutor this year. He loves the Spanish language and took four semesters of Spanish in High School.